cost and groundnut cold press oil production line in kenya

cost and groundnut cold press oil production line in kenya
  • cost and groundnut cold press oil production line in kenya
What is groundnut oil processing in Africa?

Groundnut oil processing mainly involves seed preparation, oil pressing and refining. The machinery used in the groundnut oil processing in Africa comprises of the dehulling machine or decorticator, cleaning machine, cooking machine, oil expeller, oil filter press and oil refining machine.

What is the difference between an expeller press and a hydraulic cold press?

In contrast to an expeller press, these components are typically pressed at a slightly lower temperature (50°C). No heat or chemicals are used during extraction. The hydraulic cold press is the oil press machine we employ for avocado, peanut and sunflower oil extraction in Kenya.

What is an oil press machine?

Essentially an oil press machine is an oil extraction machine that extracts oil from oil bearing seeds, nuts and fruits. All fats and oils sold for human consumption are obtained from pressing. Ideally there are two methods of oil extraction namely: