raspberry seed oil production line groundnut in bangladesh

raspberry seed oil production line groundnut in bangladesh
  • raspberry seed oil production line groundnut in bangladesh
Can biochar-based inoculant carrier improve symbiotic performance of groundnuts with rhizobia?

Biochar-based inoculant carrier with rhizobia has not been studied before in groundnut cultivation in Bangladesh, which has significantly improved the symbiotic performance of legumes with rhizobia (biofertilizer), resulting in reduced N fertilizer demand and promoted the sustainability of crop production.

Does groundnut improve soil quality?

Groundnut is cultivated on about 32,000 ha of land, and the total groundnut production is about 47,000 Mt in Bangladesh (Azad et al. 2020 ). Being a legume crop, groundnut improves soil quality by biologically fixing nitrogen without consuming non-renewable energies and disturbing agroecological balance.

Can biochar and biofertilizer improve groundnut production?

Considering these factors by applying biochar and biofertilizer (rhizobium inoculants) in groundnut production, a novel experiment was conducted for increasing soil fertility, groundnut productivity, and soil carbon stock in Bangladesh's Charland agroecosystems.

Why is groundnut an unpredictable crop?

From this point of view, groundnut is an unpredictable crop due to underground pod development (Zaman et al. 1970 ). The size and number of seeds per pod are essential criteria that determine the market value of groundnut in general.