ce approved processing crude peanut oil in venezuela

ce approved processing crude peanut oil in venezuela
  • ce approved processing crude peanut oil in venezuela
Will US oil companies continue pumping crude in Venezuela?

The United States appears to be inclined to let international oil companies with existing operations in Venezuela continue pumping crude in the country holding the world¡¯s largest crude oil reserves.

Could Venezuela's oil supply benefit Chevron & other oil refiners?

Chevron and other U.S. oil refiners could benefit from supplies of Venezuela's heavy crude flowing to their U.S. Gulf Coast processing plants. Analysts cautioned that Maduro is likely to bristle at license restrictions, including the lack of cash payments that his administration sought.

Why did Chevron stop trading crude oil in Venezuela?

Following oil sanctions on Venezuela in 2019, Chevron received an exemption to trade its Venezuelan crude to recoup pending debts. But those privileges were suspended a year later. Chevron's four PDVSA joint ventures produced about 200,000 barrels per day of crude oil and exported the crude around the world prior to the sanctions.

Will Maurel & Prom expand business with Venezuela's State Oil Company?

Earlier this month, France-based oil producer Maurel & Prom (MAUP.PA) said it received one of those individual licenses to expand business with Venezuela's state oil company PDVSA (PDVSA.UL), but many others are waiting for approval.