refined palm oil canola oil corn oil nigeria in togo

refined palm oil canola oil corn oil nigeria in togo
  • refined palm oil canola oil corn oil nigeria in togo
Is palm olein better than sunflower oil for frying?

Meanwhile, Paunovic et al. [ 11] compared both palm olein and sunflower oils in terms of acid value (AV) and peroxide value (PV) concluding that palm olein is more suitable for frying.

Is go a PUFA oil?

Specifi-cally, GO showed lower values of oxidized and polar com-pounds when subjected to similar conditions with other oils. Meanwhile, despite SO, CA, and CO being claimed as high PUFA oils, SO and CA had an overall higher rate of oxida-tion and hydrolysis as compared to CO across frying cycles.

Can frying oil be used based on total polar compound (TPC)?

The high total polar compound (TPC) content in oil could negatively impact the nutritional and shelf-life properties of fried foods and therefore numerous countries have established the permissible limit of frying oil usage based on TPC percentage [ 7 ].