professional of palm oil milling machine in zambia

professional of palm oil milling machine in zambia
  • professional of palm oil milling machine in zambia
Who is palm oil milling?

With over 2 decades of experience in the palm oil milling industry, we have successfully grown to become one of the largest privately owned Independent Palm Oil Miller in Malaysia. The Palm Oil Milling process at our mills, follow a proven system that ensures high efficiency and quality of the final products.

Can palm oil from Zambia cut back on crude oil imports?

The plantation boasts 2,800 hectares of palm plants, which when harvested will produce crude palm oil that is the basic ingredient in most vegetable oils on the market in Zambia. The locally produced palm oil will enable government to cut back on crude palm oil imports which currently stand at over US$70 million annually.

What is the zampalm project?

The Zampalm project was launched in 2009 and currently has some 370,900 palms planted over an area of 2,612 hectares in the main plantation, with another 39,000 seedlings in the main and pre-nursery.

What is zampalm doing in Mpika?

There are two government health posts that are 15 and 20 km away but Zampalm has provided transport to the clinics, including an ambulance to Kopa clinic and Mpika District Hospital. Zampalm is also planning an outgrower scheme with the company providing seedlings.