1-600ton soybean oil refinery plant in indonesia

1-600ton soybean oil refinery plant in indonesia
  • 1-600ton soybean oil refinery plant in indonesia
How many oil refineries in Indonesia?

Indonesia currently has six oil refineries and they are all operated by Pertamina, the national oil company of Indonesia. Here are the top five refineries in Indonesia: Besides these five refineries, Pertamina operates a small 10,000 BOPD Kasim refinery in Sorong, West Papua.

What are the top refineries in Indonesia?

Here are the top five refineries in Indonesia: Besides these five refineries, Pertamina operates a small 10,000 BOPD Kasim refinery in Sorong, West Papua. With a total capacity to process 1,046,700 barrels of crude oil per day, all refineries in Indonesia are currently supplying about 50% of the domestic fuel needs.

Is Indonesia self-reliant in soybean production?

In 1992, Indonesia was self-reliant in soybean production, with output reaching 1.8 million tonnes. If the country can revive its annual production capacity, soybean imports could perhaps be minimized to just one million tons.

Will Balikpapan become the largest oil refinery in Indonesia?

Once the RDMP in Balikpapan is completed, it will become the largest oil refinery in Indonesia. This is because the capacity of the Balikpapan Refinery will surpass that of the Cilacap Refinery, which currently holds the largest capacity. Currently, the Cilacap Refinery processes 345 thousand barrels of oil per day (bpd).