medium capacity oil production line in togo

medium capacity oil production line in togo
  • medium capacity oil production line in togo
How much hydro-electric power does Togo have?

Togo had 66 MW of hydro-electric capacity installed in 2011 (WEC, 2013). Despite this and the potential for mini- and micro-hydroplants, on River Mono (eastern Togo) and River Oti (a transboundary river), the sector is undeveloped. The combined production capacity on these two rivers is about 224 MW (REEEP, 2012).

What are the energy statistics for Togo?

Figures 2 and 3 show the main energy statistics. Traditional biomass is an important energy source in Togo with the biomass potential estimated at 2,600 ktoe (REEEP, 2012). Charcoal production has been increasing over the years from 330 ktoe in 2000 to 480 ktoe in 2015 (AFREC, 2015).

Does Togo have hydrocarbon deposits?

Togo has no hydrocarbon deposits and all petroleum products are imported. In 2015, this amounted to 564 ktoe of oil products (AFREC, 2015). There is about 10 km2 of peatland (WEC, 2013). There is much potential to exploit wind energy in Togo as the wind speeds recorded are fairly good.

What is Togo's Energy Policy & Strategy 2012?

Togo¡¯s Energy Policy and Strategy 2012 emphasizes a diversification of the energy mix with a focus on rural electrification; it also encourages the participation of the private sector and improvements in energy data and energy eficiency.