japan portable groundnut seed oil expeller in indonesia

japan portable groundnut seed oil expeller in indonesia
  • japan portable groundnut seed oil expeller in indonesia
Where can we export groundnut oil mill machinery & equipment?

We have exported oil mill machinery and equipment for customers around the world. Our groundnut oil extraction machines are successfully running in India, Nigeria, Tanzania, Chad, Senegal, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Niger, Ghana, Sudan, Mali, Burkina Faso & many other countries.

Where are groundnut oil extraction machines used?

Our groundnut oil extraction machines are successfully running in India, Nigeria, Tanzania, Chad, Senegal, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Niger, Ghana, Sudan, Mali, Burkina Faso & many other countries. We undertake turnkey project solutions for the complete groundnut / peanut / earthnut Oil Mill Plant.

What is groundnut oil?

Groundnuts are also known as Peanut or Earthnut. The oil content in the peanuts is between 35% and 45% depending on the variety. Groundnut oil extraction involves several processes including groundnut decortication, cleaning, seed conditioning, crushing and filtration.

What is a small groundnut pressing machine?

The small groundnut pressing machine can be used in specialist applications, where small scale extraction of high value products is required. This screw press is featured of high oil yield and ideal for medium scale oil mill plant and new entrepreneur.