soybean oil production plant line in zimbabwe

soybean oil production plant line in zimbabwe
  • soybean oil production plant line in zimbabwe
Why is soyabean an important crop in Zimbabwe?

Soyabeans is an important crop in Zimbabwe and is popular among many farmers in high rainfall areas especially in Mashonaland provinces. Brainstorming Ask participants why they think soyabean is such an important crop. Soyabean can be used for food in the household.

Why are smallholder farmers not able to produce soyabean in Zimbabwe?

Smallholder farmers are attaining yields of 0.6 tonnes/ha The current production levels cannot sustain the country s needs as soyabean demand is about 125 000 tonnes yet production is less than 50 000 tonnes in a good year. Zimbabwe relies on imports from South Africa and Zambia. Late planting. Labour shortages at the critical harvesting period.

What are the determinants of soyabean yield?

As we prepare for another bumper season, let us keep in mind the soyabean yield determinants which include soil conditioning, land preparations, time of planting, varietal choice, weed control and irrigation. Soyabean is indeed a lucrative crop to the farmer and strategic to the nation.

How do you grow soyabean?

Soyabean thrives in warm weather. Rainfall above 450mm is required for good yields. High moisture requirement is critical at germination, flowering and pod forming stages. However dry weather is necessary for ripening. Loamy soils are best for soyabean production.