with competitive edible oil extraction system in thailand

with competitive edible oil extraction system in thailand
  • with competitive edible oil extraction system in thailand
How does Thai edible oil improve its environmental performance?

Thai Edible Oil Co., Ltd. set up a new refinery facility at Nakhon Ratchasima province (Si Khio) to expand refined rice bran oil capacity. Thai Edible Oil Co., Ltd. improves its environmental performance and attained ISO 14001:2004 certification. The company also attained Green Industry Level 3 from the Ministry of Industry.

What certifications does Thai edible oil have?

Thai Edible Oil Co., Ltd. advanced its food safety management system and attained BRC certification. The company also achieved Thai Labour Standard: TLS 8001-2553 from the Department of Labour Protection and Welfare. Thai Ruam Jai Vegetable Oil Co., Ltd. improved its environmental performance and attained ISO 14001:2015 certification. 2015

Who is the first cooking oil producer in Thailand?

Thai Edible Oil Co., Ltd. was the first cooking oil producer in Thailand to implement Solar Energy Heating System. Thai Edible Oil Co., Ltd. attained Kosher certification. Thai Ruam Jai Korat Co., Ltd. attained the GMP and HACCP from the Department of Livestock Development, Thailand Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives. 2011

Is Thai Ruam Jai halal and kosher?

Thai Ruam Jai Vegetable Oil Co., Ltd. improved its environmental performance and attained ISO 14001:2015 certification. 2015 Thai Edible Oil Co., Ltd. (Si Khio) attained Halal and Kosher certification. 2014 Thai Ruam Jai Korat Co., Ltd. and Thai Edible Oil Co., Ltd. (Si Khio) attained the GMP HACCP and ISO 9001:2008 certification.