palm oil news palm oil news news in thailand

palm oil news palm oil news news in thailand
  • palm oil news palm oil news news in thailand
How much palm oil is produced in Thailand?

The total annual Crude Palm Oil extraction (CPO) was 2.96 million tons (+11.8%), up from 2.65 million tons in 2020. As of 2021, Thailand accounted for 3.8% of the global total Palm Oil production. There are approximately 390,000 Palm Oil farm households across the country. Large farmers tend to invest in their own Crude Palm Oil mills.

Should oil palm smallholders be able to microfinance in Thailand?

While oil palm smallholders account for over 70% of palm oil production in Thailand, they nevertheless lack opportunities to access microfinancing programmes, skills and knowledge about sustainable farming, as well as certification standards, which would enable them to access global markets.

Does palm oil violate human rights in Thailand?

In Thailand, where palm oil production associated with forest destruction and violation of human rights is nearly non-existent, the Thai palm oil industry nevertheless faces the big challenge of inefficient farming practices by small-scale farmers.

Is palm oil good for food security?

Palm oil, being the most efficient vegetable oil crop on the market that meets 40% of the global demand for vegetable oils while only occupying 6% of the land used to produce vegetable oils, can be especially beneficial in ensuring global food security for a growing population expected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050.