small screw behen oil pressing plant in ghana

small screw behen oil pressing plant in ghana
  • small screw behen oil pressing plant in ghana
How much palm oil does Ghana produce?

In 2009, Ghana produced about 2,103,600 metric tons (MT) of oil palm fruit bunches and 130,000 MT of palm oil . Small-scale processors produce about 60% of the country's palm oil .

What type of Press is used in a fruit processing mill?

The digester screw press was used by 4%, the digester with separate hydraulic press by 8%, and the digester with separate hand spindle press by 88% of the processors. The fresh fruit bunches together with the loose fruits are brought in trucks from the farm gate to the processing mill.

Why is palm oil a problem in Ghana?

A large percentage of the palm oil produced by small-scale processors cannot be utilized by the larger scale industries in Ghana or abroad because of its poor quality. There is an urgent need to explore the causes and to identify ways to address the situation.

Can small-scale oil palm processors produce good quality crude oil?

When supported through training and provision of efficient processing equipment the small-scale oil palm processors can produce good quality crude palm oil to meet the demand of the local industry. However, the government's policy has been to support smallholder outgrower schemes attached to large and medium scale processing mills.