red oil production line by professional factory in pakistan

red oil production line by professional factory in pakistan
  • red oil production line by professional factory in pakistan
How much crude oil is produced by Pakistan Oilfields Limited?

Crude Oil Production: by Company: Pakistan Oilfields Limited, POL data was reported at 1,746.000 Barrel/Day in 2020. This records a decrease from the previous number of 1,979.000 Barrel/Day for 2019.

Which oil company is developing Toot field in Pakistan?

Oil and gas exploration companies signed a memorandum of agreement with the Oil and Gas Development Company Limited, Pakistan's national oil company, in mid-2005, to develop the Toot field in Punjab Province, near the capital city of Islamabad.

How much oil is produced by energy products in Pakistan?

The data reached an all-time high of 12,928,748.000 Tonne in 2018 and a record low of 8,394,569.000 Tonne in 2012. Oil Refineries Production: by Energy Products data remains active status in CEIC and is reported by Hydrocarbon Development Institute of Pakistan.

Why is crude oil processing infrastructure underdeveloped in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, crude oil processing infrastructure is underdeveloped as there are only 6 refineries in operation, which are insufficient to meet the country's demands. All of these refineries are way out of date and unable to function at peak capacity.