feature star product digital foiling proprint in tanzania

feature star product digital foiling proprint in tanzania
  • feature star product digital foiling proprint in tanzania
What is sleekpro digital foiling?

At Graphic Technology Group, we carry SLEEKpro digital spot and foil finishing from Skandacor. In this article, we'll take a look at what sleeking (digital foiling) is along with how it works. What Is Sleeking? Sleeking is an on-demand digital foiling process used to create special finishing effects on printed sheets.

Will sleekpro foil bond with digital toner?

SLEEKpro foil will bond only to areas printed with digital toner to ensure perfect registration with print. Print second pass of remaining image. Ink will adhere on and/or around SLEEKpro foil as defined. Once you're finished, the end product should look something like this...

Can sleekpro foil be used on a digital print engine?

Print artwork as 100% black (K: 100%) with digital print engine ONLY where SLEEKpro foil is to be applied. SLEEKpro foil will bond only to areas printed with digital toner to ensure perfect registration with print. Print second pass of remaining image.