800kg per hour soybean screw oil processing plant in ghana

800kg per hour soybean screw oil processing plant in ghana
  • 800kg per hour soybean screw oil processing plant in ghana
How much soyabean is used in Ghana?

The current locally produced soyabean grain usage in Ghana is 170,000 Mt per year and equal to the current production level estimates by MoFA (2017). Besides this, nearly 15, 000 Mt of grains is imported by 4 of the major processing companies which accounts for about 9% of the total usage.

Can Ghana be self-sufficient in soyabean production?

With support from the government, development partners and input and output market players through a PPP arrangement, Ghana can be self-sufficient in soyabean production with opportunity for exporting soyabean to niche markets in Europe and Asia.

When was soyabean introduced to Ghana?

Soyabean was introduced into Ghana in 1901. However, it was not until the mid-1990s, that it became an important crop in Ghana. During the past decade, production has increased steadily from 74,800 Mt in 2008 to 176,670 Mt in 2018 while area under cultivation has increased from 61,800 ha to 102,980 ha during the same period (MoFA, 2019).

Will soyabean imports increase in the next 3 years?

If local production does not significantly increase, it is further expected that due to increasing demand, imports will grow with at least 10% annually to 220,533 Mt per year in the next three years. In Ghana, soyabean is mainly grown by smallholder farmers with an average farm size of about 0.5 ha.