agricultural soybean seed oil production line in mozambique

agricultural soybean seed oil production line in mozambique
  • agricultural soybean seed oil production line in mozambique
Is the soybean crop a promising crop in the edaphoclimatic conditions?

It was identified that the soybean crop, although promising on the continent, is still in the early stages of development from the adoption of new technologies adapted to the local edaphoclimatic conditions. Mapa da área de estudo da pesquisa.

Do small-scale Soya farmers produce more maize than non-Soya producers?

Results from the household survey showed (over all villages) that small-scale soya farmers allocated a significantly smaller proportion to their maize production (50.6 ± 1.3%, p < 0.01) compared to non-soya producing households (66.7 ± 1.1%).

Do soybean farmers use improved seeds or chemical fertilization?

The reference techniques were descriptive statistics and the econometric growth rate model for data treatment. Most of the soybean farmers interviewed were growing soybean in 2.0 ha areas, with yield of 0.5-1.0 t / ha. Of these, 77.4% use improved seeds and only 12.1% chemical fertilization.

Why are soya farmers not able to grow in land limited villages?

Lower on-farm income for soya producers in land limited villages could be an indication of decreasing soil fertility, as a consequence of permanent cultivation, cash crop intercropping and difficulties in opening new fertile lands for cash crop cultivation.