high oil yield rate palm oil mill in indonesia

high oil yield rate palm oil mill in indonesia
  • high oil yield rate palm oil mill in indonesia
Why is palm oil production increasing in Indonesia?

One of the main driving factors that has led to the production increase is acreage expansion, which has seen an over 300-percent increase from the year 2000. This article desribes the methodology used to revise the historical harvested area series for palm oil in Indonesia. The palm oil production series was not revised.

What is the average oil palm yield in Indonesia?

For example, average oil palm yields across Indonesia were only 15.3 and 19.7 tons FFB per hectare for smallholders and large plantations in 2020, which is far lower than the attainable yield of 30.6 ton FFB per hectare (Monzon et al., 2021).

Why are big Indonesian companies investing in palm oil refining?

Big Indonesian companies (for example Unilever Indonesia) have invested heavily in recent years to expand palm oil refining capacity. This is in line with the government's ambition to extract more revenue from Indonesia's natural resources.

Which Indonesian province has the most oil palms?

First, given its rapid oil palm expansion, Riau is now the province with the largest area of oil palm planted in Indonesia, 2.86 million ha in 2020 (Directorate General of Estate Crops, Ministry of Agriculture, 2020). Second, oil palm expansion is a major driver of deforestation in Riau (Ramdani and Hino, 2013).