sunflower cooking oil processing plant in nigeria

sunflower cooking oil processing plant in nigeria
  • sunflower cooking oil processing plant in nigeria
How is sunflower oil extracted?

The oil is extracted using the same methods described for sunflower below. Sesame (Fig. 4.23) is known as gingelly and til or tillie in India, sim-sim in Arab countries and East Africa and ben or benniseed in Nigeria. It is probably the most ancient oilseed used by man and originates from the Ethiopian area.

Are there any contractual arrangements for the production of sunflower oil?

There are no contractual arrangements as yet. The enterprise uses sunflower seed of high quality from Dodoma, Singida and Iringa. This is the reason for producing high quality oil. Nonetheless, availability of sunflower seeds is limited and this contributes to the low capacity utilisation of the facility.

What are Tanzanian sunflower seeds?

Local Tanzanian varieties, including ¡®Record¡¯ and ¡®Peredovik¡¯ have a thin shell and a high oil content and these are ideal for processing at a small scale. Most of the raw material is from Singida and Dodoma (in Tanzania). Sunflower seed from these areas is soft and with a good oil content.

How is sunflower seed processed?

The processing of sunflower seed involves cleaning and drying, followed by decortication because sunflower seed shells contain silica, which can cause wear and damage to expellers. This is then followed by filtering and drying the oil.