argan oil press machine iso approval in durban

argan oil press machine iso approval in durban
  • argan oil press machine iso approval in durban
How is Moroccan argan oil quality controlled and authenticated?

This review provides an overview of research studies in relation to the quality control and authentication of Moroccan Argan oil, mainly using spectroscopic and separation techniques. Chemometric tools were occasionally used to extract useful information from the data acquired by the analytical techniques.

What is argan oil authentication?

Argan oil authentication has become a serious issue which must be carefully considered. Adulteration can result from different fraudulent processes. For instance, it can originate from preparing a mixture by adding cheaper lower-quality oil to authentic oil. Adulteration may also mean selling low quality oil as high quality.

What is the Moroccan normative for argan oil?

The Moroccan Normative (N.M. 08.5.090) was published in 2003 to describe the quality specifications of Argan oil and its classification in different categories. Further, the Moroccan authorities have set up an internal protection apparatus by defining the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) label.

What is Argan press cake?

The residue is called ¡°Argan press cake¡±. The roasting step produces an oil with a hazelnut taste and a brown to red color. The traditionally prepared Argan oil suffers from disadvantages, including microbiological contamination due to bad water quality, which may cause a limited shelf-life stability.