at low cost oil analysis content technology in pakistan

at low cost oil analysis content technology in pakistan
  • at low cost oil analysis content technology in pakistan
Will crude oil play a vital role in Pakistan's mixed energy?

Based on the recent projection of the Ministry of Energy (petroleum division) that, notwithstanding the rising significance of clean energy reserves, crude oil will remain to play a vital part in Pakistan's mixed energy over the period, it is most imperative to discover the Pakistani crude oil market [ 15 ].

Why is crude oil processing infrastructure underdeveloped in Pakistan?

In Pakistan, crude oil processing infrastructure is underdeveloped as there are only 6 refineries in operation, which are insufficient to meet the country's demands. All of these refineries are way out of date and unable to function at peak capacity.

How much oil does Pakistan rely on in 2035?

Overall, by 2035, Pakistan's reliance on imported crude oil will be approximately 76 %. Thus, being an emerging nation, this present situation will create more importance for oil use, oil prices in the worldwide energy market, and even in the structural adjustment of the energy market of Pakistan.

How much oil does Pakistan use?

Pakistan is the 33rd largest oil consumer in the world with a per capita consumption of 41.9 gallons of oil. Pakistan is endowed with huge hydrocarbon potential, most of which remains untapped. According to the technical assessment, the initial recoverable reserves were 1,515 million barrels of oil. Pakistan has a large sedimentary area.