the problem with canola oil a brighter wild in botswana

the problem with canola oil a brighter wild in botswana
  • the problem with canola oil a brighter wild in botswana
Is canola oil bad for You?

Canola oil can be bad for you because small amounts of trans fats may develop during the refining process. Trans fats found in oils such as canola oil can lead to heart disease and increase your risk of stroke. Even small amounts of trans fats (also called partially hydrogenated oils) can be detrimental to your heart health.

Are there any rumors about canola oil?

There are all sorts of rumors about canola oil-so let's sort fact from fiction. First, you may have heard that canola oil contains high levels of the toxic compound erucic acid. Not true.

Why does canola oil get a bad rap?

Part of the reason why canola oil gets a bad rap is that it¡¯s highly refined (as are some other vegetable oils like corn, soy, and palm ), meaning it goes through bleaching and deodorizing before it can be consumed. This process requires harsh chemicals (most commonly hexane), Crouch explains. However, canola oil does have some redeeming qualities.

Why does canola oil smell bad?

An "off" odor, color changes, or visible mold are all good reasons to toss it. The majority of canola oil is made from GMOs. More than 90% of commercially grown canola comes from genetically modified (GM) crops, according to a PLOS One study.