portable oil refinery plant in france

portable oil refinery plant in france
  • portable oil refinery plant in france
What is a portable crude oil plant?

Model Akf 2000 Mini - Portable Crude ... Portable Crude Oil Plant can be operated in the oil field to produce fuel for diesel engines. It is simple-to-operate, easy-to-start, and easy-to-shut down. Fill your diesel storage tanks and shut the plant down until it¡¯s needed again.

What is a modular mini refinery?

Modular mini refineries are best utilized in emerging economies and in remote locations where gasoline, diesel and fuel oil are needed. The local crude oil is normally your lowest cost feed stock because the transportation costs are minimized. Mini refineries with heavy crudes and low API gravity produce more fuel oil and less naphtha and diesel.

What is a traditional refinery?

A traditional refinery is a high-capacity crude oil refinery constructed at a site involving various processing units to produce and meet high-quality petroleum products, such as high-octane gasoline, aviation or jet fuel, and ultra-low sulfur diesel.

Is La Mede a biorefinery?

The La Mede refinery complex had been operational since 1935. It was developed with a crude oil processing plant as well as a petrochemical unit. In April 2015, Total decided to transform it into a biorefinery facility, owing to the growing competitiveness in the crude oil processing market and the prospective future for biofuels.