advanced and scale edible oil line in liberia

advanced and scale edible oil line in liberia
  • advanced and scale edible oil line in liberia
What is the oil palm export strategy of Liberia?

The Oil Palm Export Strategy of Liberia identifies oil palm as an important tree crop for economic growth and development. Between 2009 and 2010, the GoL granted Golden Veroleum, Sime Darby (now Mano Palm Oil Industries), Equatorial Palm oil and Maryland Oil Palm Plantation concessions to develop plantation estates and support out-grower schemes.

Is there an oil palm out-grower scheme in Liberia?

Currently, there is no appropriate oil palm out-grower scheme structure and model in Liberia. Palm oil is the most consumed vegetable oil in the world3. Palm oil and Kernel oil are found in about 50% of the products on supermarket shelves4.

What is the National Oil Palm platform of Liberia?

The National Oil Palm Platform of Liberia (NOPPOL) fully engaged in that process, bringing together oil palm farmers, concession managers, processors and marketers, government institutions, international organisations, and civil society to develop solutions to the challenges facing Liberia¡¯s oil palm supply chain.

How much does oil palm cost in Liberia?

Oil palm is both a plantation and smallholder crop in Liberia. Locally pressed palm oil is commonly seen for sale along the road in rural areas, selling for around L$140/1.5 liters. A smallholder oil palm 25-year crop enterprise budget is included in Appendix D. Two scenarios, low-input and modest input (essentially fertilizer), are presented.