hot sale latest technology oil refinery projects in pakistan

hot sale latest technology oil refinery projects in pakistan
  • hot sale latest technology oil refinery projects in pakistan
Why is Pakistan reducing production of furnace oil?

The Pakistan government has been gradually reducing production of furnace oil at domestic refineries since 2017, decreasing its reliance on furnace oil-powered power plants in favor of other plants that make use of lower-cost fuel sources like LNG.

How will a new refining capacity affect Pakistan's economy?

With the expansion of new refining capacity, Pakistan is likely to expand overall domestic output of transportation fuels, reducing its currently high dependency on gasoline and diesel imports.

How many new refineries will be installed?

"We expect 150,000 to 200,000 b/d of new refinery [capacity] to be installed while existing refineries will undertake their upgrades to reduce quantum of furnace oil or fuel oil and produce environmentally compliant refined products," Shankar said.

Will new refinery policy reduce reliance on petroleum imports?

"We believe the new refinery policy will encourage existing refineries to utilize this opportunity by upgrading their capacity and deploying the latest technology, which will ultimately reduce the reliance on petroleum imports," said Abdul Azeem, director research at Spectrum Securities, another Karachi-based brokerage house.