small scale oil processing and refinary set up in indonesia

small scale oil processing and refinary set up in indonesia
  • small scale oil processing and refinary set up in indonesia
How to improve efficiency in fuel oil production in Indonesia?

The effects of the energy crisis and the rising energy demand have sparked development to improve efficiency in using fuel oil. According to Indonesia's oil resources, increasing refinery capacity and building mini refineries is essential to secure local refinery production.

Will Balikpapan become the largest oil refinery in Indonesia?

Once the RDMP in Balikpapan is completed, it will become the largest oil refinery in Indonesia. This is because the capacity of the Balikpapan Refinery will surpass that of the Cilacap Refinery, which currently holds the largest capacity. Currently, the Cilacap Refinery processes 345 thousand barrels of oil per day (bpd).

What type of oil is used in Indonesian refineries?

The average of crude oil entering the Indonesian refineries from 2007 - 2018 was less than 1 million BPD. On primary fuel production, Ron-88 (subsidized fuel) still dominates refinery production in Indonesia. Low Sulphur Waxy Residue (LSWR) is a type of fuel widely produced on secondary fuel production.

What is Indonesia's largest oil refinery?

This refinery supplies 34% of the national fuel needs or 60% of the fuel needs in Java, making it the largest refinery in Indonesia, Pertamina said. Indonesia's Pertamina said it would build a small-scale regasification plant at its Cilacap oil refinery located on the island of Java.