groundnut oil refinery equipment 200tpd in ghana

groundnut oil refinery equipment 200tpd in ghana
  • groundnut oil refinery equipment 200tpd in ghana
What is the market development programme (made) for Northern Ghana?

The Market Development Programme (MADE) for Northern Ghana is a seven-year DFID-funded programme promoting growth and poverty reduction in the 60 districts covered by the Northern Savannah Ecological Zone (NSEZ). Cover photo: Farmers associated with Noyine Maltinga separating the husks from the kernels in Upper East.

What are the different types of groundnuts?

Two groundnut varieties dominate the domestic market, Chinese (Brown) and Nkatie SARI (Red). The Chinese variety is preferred by consumers for roasted groundnuts and paste because of its low oil content. SARI is preferred by producers of groundnut oil.

Are agribusinesses ready to sell groundnuts?

There are early signs of growth potential that must be carefully considered alongside the presence of a much larger market that does not demand aflatoxin-free groundnuts and is comparatively easy for agribusinesses and farmers to sell into.

Is groundnut paste branded?

Groundnut paste is largely not branded in the traditional market. However, consultants identified a small group of processors in Tamale who have had success targeting middle class consumers via an online platform advertised through social media. Considerable customer loyalty was witnessed for such products.