refining coconut oil different applications in pakistan

refining coconut oil different applications in pakistan
  • refining coconut oil different applications in pakistan
Does the refinement process affect the quality of coconut oil?

The influence of the refinement process on the quality of refined, bleached, and deodorized coconut oil (RBDCO) has rarely been investigated. Moura and Jose revealed that unsaponifiable matter and total sterol content decreased during coconut oil refinement (Moura F¨¦ 1971 ).

What are the challenges faced by the industries in extracting coconut oil?

Challenges that are faced by the industries in extracting the coconut oil using different methods of extraction are important to be explored so that advancement in the oil extraction technology can be done for efficient downstream processing. This study is vital as it provides insights that could enhance the production of coconut oil.

What are the disadvantages of cold pressed coconut oil extraction?

However, the demerits of this cold extraction process is that the yield of coconut oil will be lower as compared to other methods of extraction [ 38 ]. Owing to the high tendency of manually cold pressed virgin coconut oil to skip the killing step, an extra step was proposed to be introduced in the cold pressing extraction process.

Can enzyme-assisted coconut oil extraction improve copra processing?

Comparison of the phenolic-dependent antioxidant properties of coconut oil extracted under cold and hot conditions. Yield increases of about 50%, relative to experimental controls, were observed, suggesting the possibility of using the enzyme-assisted oil extraction methods to improve upon traditional copra processing. Expand