solvent extraction of palm kernel oil in cape town

solvent extraction of palm kernel oil in cape town
  • solvent extraction of palm kernel oil in cape town
How is palm kernel oil extracted?

Cleaned palm kernel is broken into smaller pieces with an impactor and then a rollermill. The kernel is then conditioned, flaked and sent to solvent extraction, or cooked and sent to full pressing. The solvent extraction process uses hexane or other solvents to wash the palm kernel oil from the prepared flakes.

What is palm oil processing?

The kernel processors have to go around the palm oil processors during the peak season, when prices are lowest, to purchase the nuts for drying. The nut processing and oil extraction is undertaken in the dry season when the pressure to obtain raw materials has subsided. The traditional palm oil processing starts with the shelling of the palm nuts.

What is solvent extraction process?

Solvent extraction processes can be divided into three main unit operations: kernel pre-treatment, oil extraction, and solvent recovery from the oil and meal. For the purposes of small-scale operations it is sufficient to mention the solvent extraction process is an alternative for high capacity mills.

What is nut processing & oil extraction?

The nut processing and oil extraction is undertaken in the dry season when the pressure to obtain raw materials has subsided. The traditional palm oil processing starts with the shelling of the palm nuts. The shelling used to be performed using two stones to crack each nut and separating the kernel and shell simultaneously.