factiry durable oil mill for edible oil production in zambia

factiry durable oil mill for edible oil production in zambia
  • factiry durable oil mill for edible oil production in zambia
What is the market for edible oil in Zambia?

The market for edible oils in Zambia, of which palm oil is one component, is estimated at 120,000 tonnes per year, and this is expected to continue growing as the country develops further. More than half of Zambia¡¯s edible oil consumption is imported from the Far East, East Africa and South Africa.

Who is zamanita oil?

Part of the Export Trading Group (ETG), Zamanita is one of Zambia¡¯s largest edible oil and soybean meal producers. The company serves the domestic and export markets as well as sells into the domestic refined oils market.

Is Zambia a good place to grow palm oil?

While Zambia is not a traditional growing region for palm oil, lower yields are expected to be outweighed by the competitive advantage of being closer to consumers in the region given that the cost of importing edible oil from the Far East can account for around a third of its retail price.

How does zamanita help farmers in Zambia?

Most farmers in Zambia face challenges to sell their produce. As a reliable commodity buyer, Zamanita offers a ready market for groundnuts, sunflower and soya beans to farmers, especially those into small-scale farming. This has encouraged farmers to grow more and has also helped them increase their agricultural capacity.