60tpd oil expeller for sunflower in germany

60tpd oil expeller for sunflower in germany
  • 60tpd oil expeller for sunflower in germany
What is a sunflower expeller?

Sunflower expeller comprises pressing residues arising from oil extraction from sunflower seeds. In the case of pressure filtration, oil cakes are obtained by cold pressing (expeller pre-pressing) and subsequent hydraulic pressing, while expellers are produced by hot pressing (expeller final pressing) (Manufacture of vegetable pressing residues).

How much oil is in a sunflower expeller?

Oil contents of < 1.5% are indicative of extraction meal. Sunflower expeller consists of pieces (flakes) of variable size with a smooth, somewhat curved cut surface, which is the result of processing in an extruder. Due to its high protein content, sunflower expeller made from hulled seeds is a valuable feedstuff for all kinds of animals.

What temperature does a sunflower expeller need to be loaded?

Sunflower expeller requires particular temperature, humidity/moisture and ventilation conditions (SC VII) (storage climate conditions). Up to a temperature of 25°C, expeller may be loaded irrespective of the external temperature.

What conditions do sunflower expellers need?

Sunflower expeller requires particular temperature, humidity/moisture and ventilation conditions (SC VII) (storage climate conditions). The meal must be protected from all forms of moisture (seawater, rain and condensation water), since moisture encourages mold, mustiness and self-heating.