electrical oil processing plant 150 in indonesia

electrical oil processing plant 150 in indonesia
  • electrical oil processing plant 150 in indonesia
Are captive coal power plants allowed in Indonesia?

While Indonesia has banned the development of new coal power plants (Presidential Regulation No. 112 of 2022), captive plants are exempt from this provision. As of 2023, Indonesia has 15 GW operating captive coal power plants, representing 28% of the total installed coal capacity.

Can biomass/biogas power plant reduce BPP in Indonesia?

In Indonesia, the BPP is usually high in a remote power grid where power generation mainly comes from diesel generators. Regional PLN offices in such areas usually look for diversification of their fuel mix to reduce its BPP. This is a good business case in which biomass/biogas power plant can come in by offering lower power generation costs.

Can agricultural waste be used for power generation in Indonesia?

With such a strong agricultural sector, Indonesia therefore has significant potential to utilize agricultural waste as feedstock for power generation. Oil palm, rice paddies, and sugar cane have been identified as the top three crops in terms of production volume .

What is the interest rate for power plant projects in Indonesia?

Most power plant projects in Indonesia have 70-80% of debt in its financing and depending on the funders, the interest rate ranges from 5-8% (international funding) and 7-12% (local funding). Getting a below-market rate of interest (in Indonesia means below 5%) will also reach WACC to below 5%.