soyabean oil processing plant sunflower oil in italy

soyabean oil processing plant sunflower oil in italy
  • soyabean oil processing plant sunflower oil in italy
What is the export/production ratio of sunflower?

If we compare the export/production ratio of the main products involved in the vegetable oils and proteins markets, we see that sunflower is traded mainly after processing: 55% of the oil volumes were exported in 2018/19, 38% of the meals, and only 5% of the harvested seeds.

Is sunflower seed oil a foreign product?

Unbeknown to consumers, in Italy about five in six bottles of sunflower seed oil sold contain a foreign product, with a boom in importations that in 2018 saw the arrival of half a billion kilos, a growth of 11% with respect to the preceding year.

How much sunflower oil is produced in Europe?

Total production of sunflower oil in Europe amounted to 3.3 million tonnes in 2014. In the period 2010-2014, sunflower oil production recorded an annual average growth of +6.0%. The two largest producers of sunflower oil in Europe are Hungary and France, both accounting for 18% of total production.

Who produced the first traceable 100% Italian sunflower oil?

These are the findings from analysis carried out by Coldiretti on the occasion of the signing of an agreement with Olitalia and Filiera Agricola italiana S.p.A., for the production of the first traceable 100% Italian sunflower oil.