automatic castor oil bottling machine price in congo

automatic castor oil bottling machine price in congo
  • automatic castor oil bottling machine price in congo
How to start castor oil business?

If you plan to start castor oil business for medicinal application, it is better to adopt cold pressing method. Cold pressed oil has low acid value (<1.5) and light color (Y10, R1). It can meet the international medical standard (PP grade).

Which countries produce castor seeds?

The major producers of castor seeds are India, Brazil, China, Thailand, the Philippines, Pakistan and the former Soviet Union. The production of these countries account for more than 96.2% of total global production. Castor bean is high oil content oilseed. It has a worldwide demand that is rising 3%~5% per annum.

How Castor oil is made?

Crude castor oil is sent to the refinery plant to make high quality refined oil. The main crude oil refining process include settling and degumming, bleaching, neutralization and deodorization. Settling and Degumming: Castor oil contains gum material that affect utilization of the oil as a lubricant.

What is castor oil extraction process?

Castor bean is a kind of soft oilseeds with high oil content. Extraction of oil from castor seeds is similar to sesame, rapeseeds, cotton seeds, sunflower seeds and other seeds. Traditional screw pressing process can be adopted for industrial oil production. The following two common kinds of castor oil extraction process. 01. Twice pressing process