rice bran oil factory plant and project cost in vietnam

rice bran oil factory plant and project cost in vietnam
  • rice bran oil factory plant and project cost in vietnam
Could rice bran oil equal big opportunities for Vietnam?

Rice bran oil could equal big opportunities for Vietnam: experts With rice bran oil still unfamiliar to Vietnamese, the country should inform local consumers of its health benefits and potential opportunities for the domestic rice-growing sector, experts said at an international conference on Thursday.

How to manufacture rice bran oil?

Rice bran oil manufacturing processes mainly includes rice bran oil expelling, extraction and refining. Rice bran oil expelling relies on high quality rice bran oil expellers.

Why choose Wilmar agro Vietnam?

Wilmar Agro Vietnam is a subsidiary of Wilmar International. We specialize in production of de-fatted rice bran and rice bran oil. Our products are both distributed domestically and exported. In addition, we are also a major and trusted supplier of feed ingredients. We carry a wide range of locally produced and imported ingredients.