nafdac requirement for coconut oil production in bangladesh

nafdac requirement for coconut oil production in bangladesh
  • nafdac requirement for coconut oil production in bangladesh
How to apply for NAFDAC regulated products?

Submit all documents for registration and application letter in accordance with the issued guidelines at first instance for any of the service to be rendered by NAFDAC. Provide NAFDAC with the relevant information and description of the facility for inspection where it relates to registration and importation of NAFDAC regulated products.

What are the responsibilities of NAFDAC?

Provide NAFDAC with the relevant information and description of the facility for inspection where it relates to registration and importation of NAFDAC regulated products. Provide samples of the products to be registered when notified by NAFDAC for laboratory analysis.

How long does a client have to comply with NAFDAC?

Compliance Directive A client is mandated to comply with Compliance Directive (CD) within 7 days of issuance. Note failure to comply with any CD issued by NAFDAC may be a basis for cancellation of the application and all delays of the client will not be counted within the 90 days for registration.

Where can I send a complaint to NAFDAC?

top Complaints: All Complaints or conflicts should be forwarded to the reforms unit of NAFDAC through the following address; [email protected], [email protected], or the nearest nafdac state offices (see attached details).