solid and water removing oil production line in togo

solid and water removing oil production line in togo
  • solid and water removing oil production line in togo
Why is clean water a problem in Togo?

Natural water sources are scarce and are often shared by people and livestock resulting in high levels of contamination. This project was delivered in two of the most poorly served districts of Togo, Naki Est and Ogaro, where access to clean water is only currently available for 26% of the population. How are we helping?

Where is clean water available in Togo?

This project was delivered in two of the most poorly served districts of Togo, Naki Est and Ogaro, where access to clean water is only currently available for 26% of the population. How are we helping? Identifying and training two Borehole and Pump Mechanics in each community.

How much hydro-electric power does Togo have?

Togo had 66 MW of hydro-electric capacity installed in 2011 (WEC, 2013). Despite this and the potential for mini- and micro-hydroplants, on River Mono (eastern Togo) and River Oti (a transboundary river), the sector is undeveloped. The combined production capacity on these two rivers is about 224 MW (REEEP, 2012).

How is mining regulated in Togo?

Togo¡¯s mining industry is governed by the 1996 Mining Code, as amended by Law no. 2003-12 of 4 October 2003 which regulates the procedure for the award and transfer of mining rights, artisanal mining provisions, and the participation of extractive companies in the extraction and production of mineral resources.