soybean eucalyptus oil production line n in germany

soybean eucalyptus oil production line n in germany
  • soybean eucalyptus oil production line n in germany
Where is soy produced in Europe?

Figure 7 shows the soy production in the European Union per country. Italy, France, Romania and Austria continue to be the main soy producers. Animal-based products such as meat, dairy and eggs, are produced using soy in the ration of the animals. Therefore, these products come with an embedded soy footprint.

How many tonnes of soybean meal are produced in Europe?

This equals 2,175,152 tonnes of soybean meal. Figure 7 shows the soy production in the European Union per country. Italy, France, Romania and Austria continue to be the main soy producers. Animal-based products such as meat, dairy and eggs, are produced using soy in the ration of the animals.

How many tonnes of embedded soy are exported to the EU27+?

This means that both import and export are corrected for trade with these three countries. After this correction, the import of embedded soy to the EU27+ is 117,211 tonnes and the export of embedded soy is 3,296,044 tonnes.

How many tonnes of soy are acquired by Dutch companies?

RTRS indicates that credits corresponding to 1,625,851 tonnes of soy are acquired by Dutch stakeholders. CRS indicates that credits corresponding to 715,518 tonnes of soy are acquired by Dutch companies. These figures include both feed and food companies.