low cost and plant for groundnut oil processing in zimbabwe

low cost and plant for groundnut oil processing in zimbabwe
  • low cost and plant for groundnut oil processing in zimbabwe
How to grow groundnut in Zimbabwe?

Select a good groundnut variety which suits your agro-ecological zone. Good regions for growing groundnut in Zimbabwe are Natural Region II, III and IV. When selecting your variety, also pay attention to the maturity period, growth habits and size and oil content of the seed.

How much does groundnut production cost?

Most of the households in the study area were into groundnut production and used family labour. The average gross margin was US$100.11, the average variable cost was US$221.82 and the average fixed cost was US$22.18. The GRR and NRR were 0.45 and 0.31 respectively indicating a viable and profitable enterprise.

Is groundnut production a source of employment for rural dwellers?

Groundnut production can be a source of employment to rural dwellers, the combination of being labour intensive and having high returns indicating possible high levels of labour absorption.

How profitable is groundnut production in Chegutu District?

This study analyzes the viability and profitability of groundnut production by smallholder communal farmers in Chegutu district. A gross margin budget was used to compute the gross rate of return (GRR), and found to be 0.45. Proxing for fixed costs, net profit was computed and a net rate of return (NRR) of 0.31 was found.