erreppi buffalo loader palm oil mutilpurpose in italy

erreppi buffalo loader palm oil mutilpurpose in italy
  • erreppi buffalo loader palm oil mutilpurpose in italy
Where did the erreppi Buffalo tractor come from?

Many people were interested in observing and even riding the tractor, while asking to take memorable photos. Upon further exploration, it was revealed that this distinctive tractor came from Europe, specifically Italy, under the name ERREPPI BUFFALO. The logo of the oil palm plantation company that ordered the tractor is clearly visible.

What is erreppi Buffalo?

Erreppi Buffalo is all about change: a change in perspective and in the global approach of developing a tractor. Its strength lies in its versatility: its modular aesthetic has been designed to allow the user to adapt the Buffalo to every type of terrain and accomplish numerous tasks.

What makes erreppi a great tractor?

With its Buffalo, Erreppi paves the way to the future through an extremely functional and daring tractor, completely developed in the name of user experience, productivity and sustainability.

Do erreppi Buffalo use low ground pressure tires?

Erreppi Buffalo has been utilizing Low Ground Pressure (LGP) tires, also known as Low Wind Pressure Tires, right from the start. These tires require only 12 psi of air pressure for inflation. This aspect holds significant importance for our equipment as it helps in preserving soil density and ensuring the fertility of roots.