small flaxseeds extraction oil refinery plant in indonesia

small flaxseeds extraction oil refinery plant in indonesia
  • small flaxseeds extraction oil refinery plant in indonesia
Can small farmers reform Indonesia's palm oil industry?

Small farmers could be key actors in reforming Indonesia's palm oil industry, which has been linked to child and forced labor, deforestation and the demise of iconic species like orangutans. But they can't do it without support from government and corporations.

What type of oil is used in Indonesian refineries?

The average of crude oil entering the Indonesian refineries from 2007 - 2018 was less than 1 million BPD. On primary fuel production, Ron-88 (subsidized fuel) still dominates refinery production in Indonesia. Low Sulphur Waxy Residue (LSWR) is a type of fuel widely produced on secondary fuel production.

Who is responsible for palm oil production in Indonesia?

Most point to large corporations to solve the problem, but that¡¯s overlooking a key actor in palm oil production: small farmers. ¡°Independent smallholders,¡± small-scale farmers who are not linked to any particular company or mill, manage about one-quarter of Indonesia¡¯s palm oil plantations.

Who owns Indonesia's palm oil plantations?

¡°Independent smallholders,¡± small-scale farmers who are not linked to any particular company or mill, manage about one-quarter of Indonesia¡¯s palm oil plantations. That¡¯s a huge share of an industry that produces 31 million tons of oil a year, used in everything from cosmetics to biofuels to foods.