sunflower oil cake and by products feedipedia in rwanda

sunflower oil cake and by products feedipedia in rwanda
  • sunflower oil cake and by products feedipedia in rwanda
Can sunflower oilcakes be used for human consumption?

Among them, sunflower oilcakes have the potential to be used for human consumption, thus achieving the concept of sustainability and circular economy. The study assessed the nutritional composition of sunflower seeds, cold-pressed oil and the remaining press-cakes with the aim of its valorization as a food ingredient.

Are sunflower oilcakes sustainable?

Ample amounts of by-products are generated from the oil industry. Among them, sunflower oilcakes have the potential to be used for human consumption, thus achieving the concept of sustainability and circular economy.

Are sunflower oilcakes a good source of vegetable oil?

Due to the rich content of lipids, they are principally used as a source of vegetable oil. Compared to seeds, sunflower oilcakes are richer in fibers (31.88% and 12.64% for samples in form of pellets and cake, respectively) and proteins (20.15% and 21.60%), with a balanced amino acids profile.

Do sunflower seeds contain oil?

Oil type seeds contain 40% oil and represent 80-95% of sunflower seed production. The hulls (20% of the seed) are black and tend to adhere to the kernels ( USDA, 2010 ). Oil types are grown for their oil, resulting in an oil cake (sunflower meal) which is a popular protein-rich ingredient of livestock feeds ( van der Vossen et al., 2007 ).