hot sell palm oil production in cameroun in uganda

hot sell palm oil production in cameroun in uganda
  • hot sell palm oil production in cameroun in uganda
Are non-industrial producers driving oil palm production in Cameroon?

Non-industrial producers are driving oil palm production in Cameroon. We analyze the drivers of oil palm production in Cameroon. Access to information and land tenure systems play a crucial role in farmer decision-making. Market orientation also matters in oil palm production.

What is the history of palm oil production in Cameroon?

Industrial production of palm oil is not new to Cameroon. The first commercial plantations were established in 1907 under the German colonial administration in the coastal plains, around Mt. Cameroon and Edea. The crop was further developed under the Franco-British regime until 1960 when it had reached an estimated production of 42,500 tons.

What drives oil palm expansion in Cameroon?

Third, oil palm expansion in Cameroon is predominantly driven by non-industrial producers and coordinated around a burgeoning informal milling sector ( Ordway et al., 2019 ). Cameroon can thus be looked upon as a major region of growth when it comes to oil palm production and expansion in Africa.

Where does oil palm grow in Cameroon?

Cultivation of oil palm is more prevalent in the Southwest, South, and Littoral regions of Cameroon ( Li et al., 2015). In these regions, the expansion of oil palm is mostly carried out by non-industrial producers at the expense of secondary forests, with minimal expansion into pristine forests.