palm oil production in delta state in rwanda

palm oil production in delta state in rwanda
  • palm oil production in delta state in rwanda
Are oil palm smallholder yields constrained by harvesting practices in Indonesia?

Lee JSH, Ghazoul J, Obidzinski K, Koh LP 2014. Oil palm smallholder yields and incomes constrained by harvesting practices and type of smallholder management in Indonesia. Agron.

Does palm oil production affect land use?

Greater research attention needs to be given to investigating the impacts of palm oil production compared to alternatives for the trade-offs to be assessed at a global scale. Over the past 25 years, global oil crops have expanded rapidly, with major impacts on land use 1.

Where is oil palm cultivated?

Oil palm is cultivated in about 43 countries all of which are developing countries in the humid tropics (Chukwuma, 2010).