how to start palm kernel production in cameroon

how to start palm kernel production in cameroon
  • how to start palm kernel production in cameroon
How to set up a palm kernel oil production plant?

Setting up a palm kernel oil production plant, many aspects must be taken, including production capacity and requirements of customers, the quality of the final produced palm kernel oil, palm kernel oil processing technology, and more.

Are non-industrial producers driving oil palm production in Cameroon?

Non-industrial producers are driving oil palm production in Cameroon. We analyze the drivers of oil palm production in Cameroon. Access to information and land tenure systems play a crucial role in farmer decision-making. Market orientation also matters in oil palm production.

Could new oil palm plantations be established in Cameroon?

Up to 20 million hectares of new oil palm plantations could be established in this region over the next decade. In Cameroon¡¯s forested zone alone, over 1 million hectares is now being targeted by oil palm companies. This cultivation would generate much-needed development in Africa and increase global food supplies.

Why is Cameroon an important location for oil palm production?

Cameroon is an important location to understand the drivers of oil palm production among non-industrial producers for several reasons. First, oil palm production in Cameroon has an import substitution advantage. Oil palm can be regarded as a strategic crop with the opportunity to leverage the import-export equilibrium.