palm oil is used in the production of many goods in burundi

palm oil is used in the production of many goods in burundi
  • palm oil is used in the production of many goods in burundi
Which country exports the most palm oil in the world?

Of the 60 million tonnes of oils and fats exported around the world, palm oil and palm kernel oil made up close to 60%; Malaysia, with 45% of the market share, dominated the palm oil trade. Production of palm oil that complies with voluntary sustainability standards is growing at a faster rate than conventional production.

Where does palm oil come from?

In the map, we see the distribution of production across the world. Small amounts of palm oil are grown in many countries, but the global market is dominated by only two: Indonesia and Malaysia. In the chart, we see the production of the palm oil plant across a number of countries. Other producers include Thailand, Colombia, and Nigeria.

Is palm oil a commodity?

The story of palm oil is less about it as an isolated commodity and more about the rising demand for vegetable oils. Palm oil is a very productive crop; as we will see later, it produces over a third of the world¡¯s oil but uses less than a tenth of croplands devoted to oil production. It has, therefore, been a natural choice to meet this demand.

Which countries produce palm oil?

So, given the fact that palm oil is present in nearly every facet of our lives, which countries are responsible for producing it? According to data from the United States Department of Agriculture, nearly 85% of palm oil is produced in just two countries - Indonesia and Malaysia.